A1 - Beginner
A2 - Pre-Intermediate
Expanding Vocabulary & Polite ExpressionsShopping & CurrencyFamily & Personal DetailsPast Tense BasicsTravel & TransportationRestaurant & Dining EtiquetteExpressing Preferences & OpinionsWriting Simple Notes & MessagesSimple Cohesive Devices & Linking WordsDescribing Habits & Routines in More DetailCultural & Social TopicsReview & Transition to B1
Basic Verbs – 'To Be' & 'To Have'
In this lesson, we focus on two very common Czech verbs: 'být' (to be) and 'mít' (to have). Mastering these helps form simple sentences to describe people, objects, or ownership.
Present tense forms:
Present tense forms:
- Conjugate 'být' and 'mít' in all forms out loud.
- Write three sentences using 'být' (e.g., 'Já jsem učitel.').
- Write three sentences using 'mít' (e.g., 'Ty máš knihu.').
- Combine both verbs in a mini-dialogue (e.g., 'Máš čas? Ano, jsem doma.').